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Lucid Optical Services Ltd

Training in fibre optics and communications cabling. In fact we're often known as just "Lucid" or "Lucid Training" and because we've so often been referred to as Lucid Training we have now started using that brand name for our training and have maintained the longer Lucid Optical Services name for our specialist consultancy services.

Most people in the UK might not know is how much work we do in other countries all over the world. Additionally many might be surprised by the scope of our fibre optics training where we have trained from ground a well based fibre sensing applications through telecoms, datacoms and FTTH through to using fibres in aircraft and spacecraft. I don't believe any other training company have the scope of expertise we have in fibre optics.
Another surprise for people is that we have a software product we sell, LaserBee, that does complex laser safety calculations and has been sold to businesses and government bodies all around the world. In addition to training in comms cabling we train people in Laser and LED safety and also deliver consultance in those fields to wide ranging businesses and multiple hospitals.
More recently we've started to offer some team communications training as one of our trainers has delivered these courses to much acclaim for some years.

We're planning some more specialist and overseas courses but confidentiality prevents us disclosing any details. We're also planning a second fibre cable blowing course with Darren Weavers from Blow & Go. That's an example of us wanting to deliver the very highest quality of training so partnering with someone with extensive experience to add for trainees.

We've hardly ever advertised ourselves or exhibited at events. We've been operating successfully for just over 25 years by gaining work through word-of-mouth and repeat business. We're often surprised by things others regard as being new technology such as ribbon fibre that has recently become popular. Our experience with ribbon fibre goes back to the very early 1990s and we've been delivering ribbon fibre splicing courses since 2000.

It's frustrating that many of the most interesting things we do are confidential and covered under NDAs, but the bulk of what we do is the more standard comms cabling courses that we try to ensure we deliver to the highest possible standard with the addition of the best support after the courses for our trainees.

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